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Health tips

October 2021 Health Tips

With flu season upon us, keep your immune system healthy and strong.

1-Minute Tip: Stand up and dance! Just a minute or two of fun, vigorous activity can change your outlook and give you the energy and focus you need to finish a difficult task.

5-Minute Tip: Eat a healthy snack. Prepare your immune system for flu season by eating a healthy, probiotic-filled snack, such as yogurt or bananas.

15-Minute Tip: Upgrade your toothpaste. When was the last time you reevaluated what kind of toothpaste is best? Pick a toothpaste that has fluoride and additional benefits you might be interested in (such as teeth-whitening, sensitivity or tartar protection).

30-Minute Tip: Get your flu shot. Whether you scheduled it last month, or have free time on your lunch break, prioritize getting your flu shot. Local pharmacies often offer walk-in appointments, but check online beforehand. A flu shot is still the first line of defense in preventing illness this fall and winter.


This article first appeared in the October 2021 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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