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March Health Tips Open the window and let in some fresh air

March 2021 Health Tips

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it’s important to take just one, five or even 30 minutes to prioritize your health with self-care activities.

1-Minute Tip: Open the window. After quarantines and stay-at-home mandates, your room might be feeling a little stuffy. If the weather is nice, open the window and let in some fresh air. A nice breeze can help you and your room feel refreshed.

5-Minute Tip: Put any reusable masks in the wash. To keep your masks and face clean, wash reusable masks regularly. Not only will it keep your masks clean, but it will also help prevent 'mascne' (or mask acne).

15-Minute Tip: Clean up your workspace. Many of us are working from home nowadays, so there’s sure to be some sprucing up you can do around your desk or work environment. Having a clean and organized workspace can help you focus more and feel better.

30-Minute Tip: Unplug from social media for 30 minutes. Take the half hour you would usually spend scrolling through social media and start a new book or listen to a favorite podcast. It will give you a break from mindlessly scanning social media while also engaging your mind.


This article first appeared in the March 2021 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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