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April Health Tips

April 2019 Health Tips

Cleaning not only improves the look and feel of your home, but can also benefit your physical and mental health.

And with spring in the air, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about spring cleaning.

Learn how you can improve your health this season with these quick spring cleaning tips:

1-Minute Tip: Open a window a take a few deep breaths. Get some fresh air flowing in your home to increase ventilation and improve the quality of the air you breathe.

5-Minute Tip: Vacuum your rugs or dust hard surfaces and window blinds with a damp cloth. Just a few minutes every day is all it takes to keep dust and allergens at bay — and keep the air in your home a little healthier.

15-Minute Tip: Listen while you clean. Cleaning can be a great opportunity to multitask and catch up on your favorite podcast, audio book or practice your dance moves while you listen to some cheerful music. This way you can improve your mood — and the state of your home!

30-Minute Tip: Tackle the pantry. Not only will sorting through your pantry help you find expired foods that need to be tossed, but it can also help you take note of your family’s eating habits. Check the nutrition labels on the processed foods you regularly eat — the facts might surprise you!


This article first appeared in the April 2019 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.